Friday, November 2, 2012

resonant stories

resonant stories

A few lines from Cordoba, Spain...

She walks with the authority of centuries, carrying  history in her body. Each footfall;  an echo across all time. The leader of the night tour – Luz – Light - of the Mezquita; El Alma de Cordoba – the soul of Cordoba, the tour is named.

The place is truly vast. Row upon row upon row of arches striped rust red and cream on columns. Such space! Additions added on layer by extensive layer as each ruler expanded this place-until 40 thousand worshippers could pray together. Imagine: forty thousand, one in spirit.

We begin in an outdoor alcove with ancient timbers in rows above, carved in Arabic(?); a little film. Then we rise and enter the massive courtyard; the full moon rises, birds fly across the lit palms and splendiferous gold-lit mosque domes. My god. I am breathless. We stand at the massive dark doors of the mosque. And remember this history of this place, layer upon layer. It’s Halloween.

The doors swing open and enter the cavernous space. As we move about, each area slowly illuminates. It is atmospheric. I have had the privilege of seeing many mosques and ancient places; The Blue Mosque and St Sophia in Istanbul, the grand mosque in Cairo, and Karnak in Luxor with Abu Simbel south of Aswan at the border of Egypt and the Sudan; I have been inside many churches and cathedrals with glorious architecture and art throughout Europe; from the north of Finland to the Vatican city, most recently the gorgeous glowing stained glass by Chagall in Zurich. All to name a very few. But this place, a UNESCO world heritage site, speaks to me. Its dignity. Its constant changes through so many, many centuries as men fought over it, conquered from Christians by Arabs, to be conquered yet again eventually by Christians. (The Inquisition tower, by the way, is a few hundred meters away. More on this later).

As always, when I visit these sites, the vibration of the place ripples through my body. And I weep. Always. It is not merely the splendour and the manifestation of vision and effort, rather, it is as if my own body knows these places, remembers them. Remembers our collective history. My human history. This place. This planet. Where, in an untold swirling aeon, I will recall and long to touch again; yes, I was here. On this planet. In time. Part of humanity, with all our strivings and squabbles and foibles and errors. I was here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

in the cave of gestation

SPA Gmachl, Bergheim. October 2012.

Sitting in the “Ruhe Raum”, in a massive circle cave chair, facing two huge arched floor to ceiling windows in the corner.....overlooking the Alps a mere handspan away....and we’ve had SNOW overnight!!! I am in a postcard. My life, this moment, is a postcard. Water trickling in the background from the indoor pool (all pearlescent tiles with aqua and deep blue lights with starry LEDS overhead. 30 deg. The outdoor pool...meters away.....steams to 8 feet high at 32 deg. Im pinching myself. Yep-ouch; Im really here. The first day brilliant sunshine, the second all mist and light rain; today snow and sun zusammen. Sunlight on the snow  in the cracks where the day before was bare rock.....I can see the firs all icing-coated on the low and middle slopes.....clouds waft half way up....and birds fly between heaven and earth. Time to take a dip.............

“Ohhhh, you are joking”, I say it again and again, grin all over my face.....I swim in the outdoor pool, out through the little covered canal that takes me from the Spa proper to the expanse of steam, water.....and Alps: directly in front of me. I laugh out loud at the sheer ridiculous splendour. A handsome cat-man comes running up, dives in, and emerges beside me laughing. Nope, still not dreaming. “Hallo” he says, grin on his face, then swims off, through the canal into the Spa. And Im not joking.

Despite the Spa being “full”, I seem to be alone, bar the staff and the handsome cat-man. Oh, and a curled-up woman the salt grotto. I don’t see her at first in the quarter-light; she’s tightly woven herself into the watery corner. I wonder if she’s somehow grown there overnight; an embryo. Ah; she emerges. And leaves. Alone again. Magnificent solitude in the swirling salt genesis. Everytime I immerse in here it is another ephiphany. Awarenesses arise. Processes float to the surface, not always comfortable. I watch them, don’t grapple. Let the waters rinse me clean; through my body tissues, through my history. Sounds emerge from my mouth, my whole being. I Sound like a whale. Release. Let go. Rinse. Forgiveness. Carry-on baggage finally put down. This is what I came here for.

I wander the corridors in my cream uber thick dressing gown. Ever on my way to the Spaaaa. The water. Waters. I could be in a mental asylum. 
Perhaps I am.

The Salt Grotto

Before I am;

        In Time......
             there is no Time. 

Drift. Turning. Tilt, axis-swivel,
   and yield-push-reach-pull recover. 


   Along the water songlines of my body, streaming tissue-through;

Primal. Song. 
Sung into existence. Gestation.
           Bubble-up. Arise, disperse.
Emergent, bubbles, Sound.

      My history.





Under snow shriven Alps; This Womb.

Blow. Blaow. Blaooooooh. B-b-bl-blo-bloooooh. 

Ohhhhh....   !

Narelle Carter-Quinlan October  15, 2012. Gmachl, Bergheim bei Salzburg